Podcast with Makings, youbloom and Loss

Making were one of the first bands to participate in youbloom matching and co-marketing, a forward thinking way for independent artists to gain a presence in new territories. In the article and podcast below (reprinted by kind permission of youbloom ) ‘Makings’, ‘Loss’ and youbloom CEO /founder Phil Harrington discuss the experience and what it’s all about.


youbloom Podcast Episode 1: Introducing ‘Loss’ and ‘Makings’

In this episode, James and Phil introduce us to two emerging artists from opposite sides of the world. They are alt-electronic rock band, Makings (Co. Down, Northern Ireland) and heavy metal band, Loss (Belo Horizonte, Brazil). They discuss using youbloom to expand their fan bases by matching and comarketing as artists.

Barry Shock, guitarist from Makings, talks about his blues and rock influences growing up, but also draws inspiration from Dublin’s electronic music scene. Makings was created from six independent recording artists, who gradually joined together over a few years of the band’s development. A new element was added with the addition of each new member, which helped to create the current sound which is now perfectly delivered by Makings. Check out their new single Punk Girls!

Marcelo Loss, lead singer and guitarist for Loss, has a similar eclectic music taste as Barry. However, after attending a rock festival at the age of 12 and experiencing the pure power of artists like AC/DC and Iron Maiden, he knew he wanted to develop his own music in the genre of hard rock. Marcelo and bandmate Teddy Bronsk, (drums), hail from previous youbloom festival favorite band, Concreto, and have performed at multiple locations including youbloomDublin and youbloomLA Showcase Festivals and Conferences. Their first EP with Loss, “Lets Go” can be found here.

Marcelo of Loss believes that youbloom’s Artist Matching/Comarketing program has had a positive result in keeping both Loss and Makings “alive and working”. Although the bands have different styles of music, it has helped in expanding their audience, particularly whilst dealing with the problems that musicians face during the pandemic. As a result of their comarketing experience, Loss has received multiple Artist Requests for them to perform in the coming year.

The music scene has been drastically affected by COVID-19 but there are some indirect benefits that have come from being forced to adapt. Barry talks about a virtual festival that Makings held that was streamed live. Although they weren’t performing to an in-person audience, playing to the cameras still made it feel like a live show and it created a new enjoyable experience for the band and their fans. Considering the success seen with these virtual tours, Barry feels like they are likely to continue after the pandemic. Virtual tours are a great way for smaller bands with a limited budget to connect with fans worldwide. Check out youbloom’s Virtual World Tour here!

Please click here or use the QR code in the image above to listen to the full podcast.